Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Young and not afraid - 幼稚園畢業表演(5.7 yrs)


真不敢相信幼稚園這一年飛快的過去已經到了尾聲. 這天近一百位小朋友表演了九首歌,精采極了!

班上六位小朋友上台介紹節目, Kiki也在其中.

In the feet (beat)?

聽Kiki(不甚清楚)的介紹, 及第一首歌: in a feet(beat)

這一個月來, 四班幼稚園小朋友常常聚在一起練習, Kiki每天回家也都大聲練唱.

Big Dreams


Big Dreams - By Teresa Jennings
Just because I'm shorter
than a grown-up.
Just because I'm young, I'm not afraid.

It's true I might not
know the best way to go
But I have big, big

Big, Big Dreams ,Lots of big dreams Things I wanna do someday.

Big, big dreams, Lots of big dreams Big dreams are okay!

Just because I haven't
been around long.
just because I don't know lots of stuff.

I have a lot to say, I
try everyday
Cause I have big, big dreams!

Big, Big Dreams, Lots of big dreams, Things I wanna do someday.

Big, big dreams, Lots of big dreams Big dreams are okay!

每天在家聽Kiki唱"Just because I'm young, I'm not afraid."時, 都很羨慕小孩子這種天不怕地不怕的個性, 看孩子們的表演就能深深體會這句話. 期望她能一直保有這份勇往直前的心.

回到教室, 老師很慎重的一個個小孩發結業證書.

幼稚園畢業了! 媽媽好捨不得小女孩這麼快就長大了.


今天是最後一天上課, Kiki穿著泳衣去上學, 因為這天是field trip - 到鄰近的Las Palmas Park玩水.

開心的跟爸爸去上學, 在車上對媽媽大聲喊:”bye-bye, love you, have fun!”. 中午去接她下課, 她說這是幼稚園最好玩的一天, 在公園吃點心, 喝果汁, 玩水...是個完美的句點.

Kiki今天帶回了一份漂亮的成績單. 老師給她的評語 -

Trisha has had an outstanding Kindergarten year. She has shown that she has developed excellent independent working skills, as well as focusing abilities, and because of this she has met or exceeded all end of the year standards. Her reading is definitely a strength, with her reading well beyond end of the year goals, and her writing, especially personal narratives have exceeded standards. Overall, Trisha has done an amazing job this year, and I am very proud of the work she has done both academically and socially throughout the year. I am sure that if Trisha continues putting in the same amount of efforts that I have seen this year, she will have an amazing first grade year as well.

感謝老師的教導, 讓Kiki這一年除了語文的聽說讀寫都有長足的進步, 媽媽更重視的是她交了許多朋友, 也保持著熱愛上學的心.

放暑假了, 我們要一起好好休息, 認真的玩! 

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