Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 8, 2011



星期一晚, 把Kiki寄放在阿姨家, 爸爸媽媽一起去學校參加老師家長會談(parent teacher conference). 半小時的會談裡, 老師 Teacher Jean 準備了兩頁關於她這一年對Kiki各方面發展的觀察.
Social/Emotional: Trisha comes to school eager and ready to engage! She follows the routine nicely, and enjoys a personal greeting from me or Teacher Debbie. She separates easily from her mother and trusts the teachers and other adults at school. Trisha enjoys all areas of school, and it is hard to say which area she enjoys most. She plays a lot inside, and enjoys the art activities and reading books. She also enjoys riding trikes and playing outside. The sensory table and play doh table are also favorites spots for her. She is interested in the other children and enjoys the social atmosphere of school, and is beginning to initiate conversation with others. She avoid conflict, and looks to the teacher or an adult if a problem arises.
如老師所言, 她對教室的各個角落都很感興趣. 老師說她"avoid conflict(避免衝突)", 大概是很少跟同學搶玩具. Kiki在學校還蠻講理的, 會跟同學分享玩具. 我只看她在學校哭一次, 那是因為同學在Group time搶走她手上的書, 她正在搶回來時被媽媽制止, 委屈的哭了.


Language: Trisha is learning English nicely. She is careful to use the correct words, and makes a real effort to talk. She seems very motivated to speak, yet is usually quiet at school due to not wanting to make any mistakes in her speech. She understands all that is said to her, and follow directions. She can make her needs known when necessary as well as answer questions. She listens well, and understands directions.
八個月來, Kiki最大的進步要算是語言上的溝通. 平常在家很聒噪的Kiki, 到了一個全英語的環境, 變得非常安靜. 每次看她一個人在教室裡外玩, 我都很著急, 希望她能趕緊跟朋友玩/溝通.

這一個月, 我忽然發現她開始在故事時間發言, 回答老師的問題, 有時聽不懂的還會問老師. 老師提到說問Kiki問題時, 見她總是深思熟慮之後, 慢慢的回答. 總之, 對於她在英語會話的進展, 我算是鬆了口氣. 現在開始擔心她在家愛講英文, 如何鼓勵她多說中文.


Music/Group time: Trisha loves to come to group time and participates well in the music, movement and simple group time activities. She is very attentive, and likes to answer questions or volunteer for activities. At the beginning of group I sometimes find her sitting on the teacher's stool with a mischievous grin and I ask her if she is the teacher. She smiles and giggles as she slides off the stool to sit on the carpet.
照片裡, 老師帶小朋友演"Hey diddle, diddle" 這個童謠. 這天我正好在教室裡工作, 看見Kiki在老師徵求志願演出者時, 馬上舉手說:"I want to be the dog". 照片的Kiki趴在地上認真的演狗狗. 後來又看她演"The dish ran away with the spoon", 笑嘻嘻的帶著湯匙盤子跑到後門.


Art: Trisha enjoys the art activities and participates willingly. She uses an an appropriate pencil grasp and can snip well with the scissors. She knows how to use all the materials appropriately, and understands and follow the simple project directions.
雖然老師說Kiki喜歡做勞作, 媽媽總覺得她的耐心不夠, 常常畫了幾筆, 貼了幾張紙就跑了, "糟蹋"了畫紙材料. 不過同學裡有很熱中勞作, 也有跟她差不多三分鐘熱度的. 每個人興趣不同, Kiki寧可多花時間在沙堆裡玩. 現在我盡量鼓勵她試試這些美勞活動, 不再拿她的作品跟其他小孩比, 試過就好了.


Motor development: Trisha is well coordinated in both fine and gross motor activities. She happily participates in all area of school, and uses her fine motor coordination a the sensory and play doh tables and during art activities. She enjoys puzzles and loves to play in the sand. She climbs on the structures and loves the tire swing, especially with several of the other girls. She likes to ride the tricycle and can pedal. She has good visual perception, and is confident and pleased in her movements around school.
Kiki在學校大半的時間都在戶外玩 - 玩sensory table, 騎車, 爬play structure, 盪鞦韆, 玩沙子... 當初選上這個學校就是看上好玩的院子, 看來是選對了. 對於老師說她喜歡玩拼圖, 我有點驚訝, 因為她對家裡的拼圖都興趣缺缺. 不過老師提到"age appropriate", 適合她年紀的拼圖. 或許家裡的拼圖太難/太簡單, 吸引不了她???


Independence: Trisha is very independent in school. She makes transitions well, knows how to handle herself at snack time and can clean up after snack. She washes her hands and comes to group time appropriately. She is always engaged in something of her own choosing.
Kiki在家時有時很獨立, 有時又說自己是小嬰兒需要爸爸媽媽幫忙. 在學校她倒是一直很獨立, 媽媽不在時她都能自己做好事情. 老師很客氣的說:"she knows how to handle herself at snack time", 我想是說需要什麼吃的都會主動要. 上面的照片就是Kiki"認真吃點心的最佳證據, 旁邊同桌的六七個大人小孩都吃完走了, 留她自己一個人繼續努力. 還好學校的點心都很健康, 點心媽媽都會準備餅乾/乳酪/水果. 上學天Kiki在學校點心吃的飽飽的, 回家午餐就吃得很少了.


Cognitive: Trisha shows good cognitive development in that she understands the school routine, can anticipate what will come next, recognizes her name and picture, can problem solve and understands cause and effect. She likes the drama corner, and engages in pretend play, like putting on the space ship costume, pretending to put out a fire, etc. She shows persistence and will stay with an activity until she completes it, or for an appropriate amount of time if it is an open ended activity. She shows developing early literacy skills in her knowledge of how to handle books, and enjoying reciting or singing alphabet. She also enjoys counting.
我其實不了解什麼是cognitive development(認知發展), 顯然Kiki喜歡玩角色扮演的遊戲屬於這類發展. 教室有個drama corner, 每個月有不同主題, Kiki對醫院/太空人/救火車/超級市場等各種場景, 都很愛玩. 老師還問我Kiki是不是會自己讀書了, 我笑著說"不會, 不過她很會假裝讀書". 對於"shows persistence(堅持)", 媽媽其實比較少觀察到Kiki這方面的行為. 老師舉例說在室外玩爬繩索時, Kiki 會一直重複練習直到她能成功爬上去.


Notes: Trisha is a very inquisitive and active child who seems to thoroughly enjoy school. She is happy to be there, and is always busy with something! She loves group time and enjoys interacting with teachers and other children. She tends to be quiet, and I see that as she is becoming more confident with her English speaking ability she is talking more while at school. Trisha will continue to grow and develop as nicely as she has so far, and she will do very well next year in her new class! I have enjoyed having her this year.
最後這段總結, 老師說Kiki是個好奇又活潑的孩子, 在學校總是很忙碌. 媽媽帶她去上學, 都跟她一起參加第一個circle time才離開. 多數的日子只要老師宣布解散, 她就一溜煙的不見人影. 媽媽要跟她道別還要在教室院子裡四處找人, 可見學校是個多好玩的地方了.

Preschool的第一年即將結束了, Kiki跟媽媽都在這裡成長不少, 期待明年是個更精彩的一年.

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