Kiki的幼稚園分成三個學期, 第一個學期在感恩節前結束, 爸爸媽媽一同去參加跟老師的會談. 老師詳細的跟我們討論了Kiki在教室的情形, 基本上她在閱讀數學都沒問題.
1. Very respectful to all student and teachers. Understands and follows school/class rules.
2. A very good independent worker. Finishes work in a timely manner.
Goals to work towards:
1. Continue to develop consistent effort on all tasks. 老師提到小朋友喜歡趕快做好, 所以有時候沒有認真做. 這也是媽媽常常跟Kiki提到事情要做仔細, 搶第一做完沒有用(還不是要等其他人).
2. Become a more consistent participant in whole group activities and discussions. 老師覺得Kiki從開學的極端害羞到現在進步很多, 希望她能多發言參與討論. 媽媽跟老師提及小朋友很喜歡上台發言, 老師似乎有點驚訝. 回家跟Kiki討論時, 她說:"我都有舉手, 可是老師都不叫我". 一班24個小孩, 一個星期能發言一次算是不錯了吧!
我們也跟老師討論了幾個問題 -
(1) 有困難時會發問 - Kiki有幾次回來說我不喜歡xxx, 細問之下都是有不會的地方又沒有問老師. 最近一次是她跟媽媽說不喜歡數學, 後來知道是老師教tally marks她聽不懂. 雖然媽媽花了三分鐘跟她解釋她就懂了, 不過還是希望她遇到問題能馬上發問. 畢竟有時候媽媽查覺到問題時已經過了好多天.
(2) 寫字像畫圖 - 在家裡從來沒教過Kiki英文字母筆順, 想說幼稚園會教. 她最近常寫字, 不過看起來仍然像畫圖. 老師拿出練習本, 說有在課堂練習筆順, 目前大寫字母快教完了. 看來在家裡也要找機會給她多練練.

老師也注意到Kiki喜歡做勞作, 另外對體育/戲劇/音樂等課都有高度的興趣. 他還特別提說很難想像個子小小的Kiki在上戲劇音樂課的時候, 會發出哪麼大聲的笑聲!
Trisha has had an excellent first trimester. Trisha has shown she is able to recognize all letters both upper and lower case, and also knows nearly all letter sounds. Her reading level is excellent, with Trisha already surpassing the end of the year reading level. In math, she has demonstrated a strong ability in both sorting and patterns. Her number recognition, counting, and writing have all reached end of the year standards. Trisha has done a great job not only the standards that had been taught, but she has also done an excellent job in learning the routines and expectations of a Kindergarten classroom. She is becoming a more consistent participant in whole class discussions and activities, and is very respectful to all of her peers and teachers. Overall, Trisha has done an outstanding job this trimester.
(1) 勞作太少 - 他喜歡從前幼兒園每天都有不同的勞作可以玩, 看來媽媽要認真的準備些材料讓她回家發揮.
(2) 坐在地毯/桌子的時間太多 - 除了早上10:00-10:20下課, 11:20-12:00午餐, 其他在教室時間不是坐在地毯上課, 就是坐在座位上做功課. 這一點只能靠時間來適應, 還好我們沒有作業, 至少回家不必一直坐在桌子前了.
[照片注]感恩節前一週, Kiki病了在家休息兩天- 睡覺/看書/玩樂高.